Доброволчество с кауза
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Доброволчество с кауза
Какво е да си Business Operations Manager в Hitachi Solutions Bulgaria?
Мениджърът Бизнес операции играе ключова роля в организацията. Той осигурява ефективното изпълнение на вътрешните процеси и координацията между различните екипи, за да се постигнат високи стандарти на обслужване и да се оптимизира работният процес. В областта на IT решенията, където се работи с комплексни проекти и изисквания на клиенти, Мениджърът…
Какво е да си Transition Manager в Hitachi Solutions Bulgaria?
Мениджърът на прехода - Transition Manager, е професионалистът, който гарантира, че разработените решения се предават на нашия Lifetime Services екип по стандартизиран и цялостен начин. Работата, която Транзишън мениджърът извършва, води до успешни, безпроблемни промени, които подпомагат растежа и устойчивостта на бизнеса. Ето защо това е и много важна роля…
Meet the team: User-Centred Design at Hitachi Solutions.
Discover more about our User-Centred Design team (UCD) at Hitachi Solutions. Explore who they are, what they do and how they can help you!
How to unlock the value of AI with a Data strategy
Microsoft has been at the forefront of releasing new data analytics and AI tools, setting the stage for a significant transformation in how companies operate and compete. However, to fully leverage these powerful tools, organisations need to have the proper platform in place — one grounded in a comprehensive data…
Hitachi Solutions: 5 години в България
Hitachi Solutions Bulgaria отбеляза 5-та си годишнина през септември 2024 г.
Ask the Experts: Can AI transformation drive organisation-wide productivity?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly improve organisational productivity by transforming various business processes. Recently, Steven James, Business Development Director, and Dana Hasan, lead AI consultant, explored the question: Can AI transformation drive organisation-wide productivity? They discussed the challenges of implementing AI and how businesses can apply it…
Redefining Software Testing with AI: The evolution and future trends
As software development continues to advance rapidly, efficient and reliable testing is more important than ever. Traditional testing methods have their strengths, but they can fall short when it comes to speed, scalability, and precision. That’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps in, reshaping the way testing is done. At Hitachi…
QA conference
The 8th conference edition took place in Sofia Tech Park and online on the 10th of September 2022.The QA: Challenge Accepted is an international conference targeted toward enthusiasts, specialists, and managers participating in software testing and quality assurance. Read more about the experience of our Test Consultant Ivan Stoyanov during…
How to build your digital transformation roadmap
Hitachi Solutions and Microsoft came together on Thursday 3rd March for a hybrid event to understand the opportunities and challenges for Professional Services organisations. Featuring a customer story from Alexander Mann Solutions' Chief Technology Officer, Andrew Wayland, you can watch all four sessions from the morning below, and explore how…
Why professional services companies must invest in digital transformation
She adds that when professional services companies do invest in digital, they need to ensure they capture and manage the mass of data they generate effectively. Data must be in the right place at the right time to unlock opportunities from technology. Of course, better use of data also means…
Where is the construction industry heading on its digital journey
The construction industry is very complex, with many stakeholders involved in the highly complex processes of planning and construction. Accordingly, there is a wide variety of approaches to digital transformation and innovation. The industry has been relying on digitalisation since the financial crisis of 2008, albeit often still with island…