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Enabling Business Agility in the Countdown to Brexit

In partnership with Director Magazine, Hitachi Solutions and Microsoft gathered business leaders from some of the UK’s leading professional services organisations: Buro Happold, BDO, Bite Communications, BCMS, Buzzacott, Areen Design Services, The Risk Advisory Group and Hays UK & Ireland, to discuss the potential challenges of Brexit.


Cutting Customer Irritation

Hitachi Solutions and Essential Retail hosted a round-table discussion with some of the UK’s largest retailers: including Tesco, Carpetright, Dune Group and Blackwell’s. The event looked at the increasing challenges around how to put customers first and optimise their shopping experience – both on and offline.jinna-mistry.jpg


Essential Retail Talks to Chris Huntingford, Hitachi Solutions

We’re delighted to share an interview between Ben Sillitoe, editor of Essential Retail and Chris Huntingford, CRM Consultant at Hitachi Solutions. Chris talks about how retail customer journeys are changing and how to use technology to achieve a single customer view.


Why is Customer Engagement in Insurance so important?

Daryl Henwood, CRM Industry Lead for Financial Services at Hitachi Solutions Europe, presents highlights from the latest in our series of breakfast briefings with The Insurance Network. The topic: Why is Customer Engagement in Insurance so important?


The perfect Dynamics 365 solution for Professional Services (Part 2)

We’ve combined our years of industry experience and Dynamics 365 expertise, with critical user insight from our existing clients, and developed a new cloud-based ERP solution, for mid and large scale professional services firms.


Digital Disruption in Retail

Consumer expectations have risen dramatically over the last few years. The “now generation” demands easier comparisons, faster customer service and quicker delivery of their purchases. Only retailers that adapt their services to meet ever-evolving consumer needs, and deliver the seamless omni-channel journey that customers have come to expect, will be…


The perfect Dynamics 365 solution for Professional Services

Every industry has its own unique set of challenges. In the professional services industry, some particularly acute challenges include revenue leakage, effective time and resource management, timely and accurate billing.


Travelodge Hotels Limited

Steven French, Executive Vice President at Hitachi Solutions spoke with Chris Orme, Head of Sales, Travelodge Hotels Limitedsteve-french.jpg


Essentials for Professional Services: Navigating a post-Brexit world

Right now, it’s hard to escape the fact that the UK is going through a period of upheaval. The decision to leave the European Union has left businesses – even political parties – unsure of what comes next. After more than four decades of EU membership, no one can predict…


Furthering our footprint in Europe with the purchase of German systems integrator Implexis

Hitachi Solutions Europe Ltd. announces today the acquisition of German retail Microsoft Dynamics 365 specialist Implexis GmbH.