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Maximising efficiency and fast response through nimble use of technology

Financial shortfalls and increased demand will continue to challenge key council services, but smart use of technology can help local authorities succeed despite these challenges, and deliver vital services for their communities. Register to watch our free webinar to learn how.

Financial shortfalls and increased demand will continue to challenge key council services, but smart use of technology can help local authorities succeed despite these challenges, and deliver vital services for their communities.

Hitachi Solutions hosted a webinar with the Local Government Chronicle discussing how. 

Topics include:

  • Case studies showing how local authorities have secured the benefits of new technology during the pandemic to deliver specific outcomes.
  • How technology will enable councils to achieve efficiencies and service improvements in the months and years ahead.
  • The ways that flexible apps can adapt to different service areas depending on need, avoiding mutually incompatible solutions that are stuck within service silos.
  • The importance of ensuring that new apps work alongside a council’s existing capabilities to quickly address new challenges.


  • James Lee, director of communities, partnerships and leisure, Lewisham LBC
  • Dionne Lowndes, chief digital technology officer, Southwark LBC
  • Sam Bramwell, business applications director UK local government & housing, Microsoft
  • Tim Kidd, head of UK public sector, Hitachi Solutions Europe

Register to watch

Свързани новини

Тим Кид

За автора

Тим Кид

Тим Кид се присъедини към Hitachi Solutions през 2018 г. с 23-годишен опит в сферата на услугите в публичния сектор. С роли в подразделението за публичен сектор на Microsoft и в местната администрация като ръководител на служба, сега той подпомага организациите при изпълнението на програми и вземането на стратегически решения. В своята роля мисията му е да даде възможност за трансформационна промяна, да рационализира операциите, да се справи с бюджетния натиск и да подобри живота на гражданите, бизнеса и служителите.