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Join us at Field Service Summit!

On 11 April, Hitachi Solutions will be sponsoring and hosting a roundtable at Field Service Summit. The event will take place at the Warwick Conference Centre in Coventry and is a great opportunity to meet with fellow field service leaders and to discuss the key issues effecting the industry.

Field Service Summit is a unique event. Unlike your typical conference, attendees discuss, challenge and learn from one another, asking difficult questions throughout the day.

This year’s topic is Optimising the Field Service Lifecycle: The service business is going through a drastic change. It is moving away from cost-centric reactive approaches, towards proactive service offerings with high profit margins and long-term service agreements. At this event, we’ll discuss the effects that these changes are having on field engineers’ jobs, as customer expectations keep rising and businesses keep globalising.

Resulting from a passion for delivering real business benefits through innovation, I will be hosting roundtable discussions alongside Dynamics 365 Pre-Sales Solution Architect, Chris Huntingford. Together, we’ll discuss whether you should be using social media to communicate with your field service team, and ways of doing so: Just because you don’t yet find social channels a convenient way to do business and communicate doesn’t mean your customers think the same way. Do you want to be kept in the dark?

To find out more, and apply for the waiting list to attend this event, follow this link.

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Джон Бреъртън

За автора

Джон Бреъртън

След дълги години работа с крайни клиенти и партньори по внедряване на ERP и CRM решения, Джон понастоящем работи в областта на бизнес развитието. Ангажиран е в целия търговски сектор с квалифициран маркетингов екип, експертен екип за предварителни продажби и отдаден и опитен екип по продажбите, като всички заедно движат растежа на Hitachi Solutions.